Friday, April 26, 2013

My views on Religions

Before i start writing this, i just want to say that i am not starting a religious debate or anything, i am just writing down my thoughts on this topic and... no offence to anyone :) 

There are many religions in the world... 

For example.... 




I think that a religion is the belief of a particular god who has superhuman powers. The god can be human-like, an animal, or some other creature. 

I don't think that a religion is a 100% true. It's a belief, not a fact. Some examples of facts that are true will be the history of the Nazi party in Germany before the first world war and how Hitler started world war 2, or the fact that plants photosynthesise. 

But is the history of a certain god true? Or are they just some stories that people made up? There's no way to prove it. The people who believe in that god may believe it, but the ones who are not of that religion don't give a shit about it at all...

However, i'm not saying that having a religion is wrong. Religions can give people hope, make them a better person or guide them in their way of living. 

Though Religions are not facts ( In my opinion ), the powers of the gods do exist. 

Because of a huge amount of people believing in a single god, the powers of the god will somehow become real. 

What i really can't stand are people who force others to believe in the same god as they do. They think that their god is the best and other gods are inferior and wrong. 

Like i've said, a religion is a belief within people. No religion is inferior or superior to the other. Every religion has it's own guidance and rituals. So how can we determine which one is right and which one is wrong? Or which one is the best? 

We can't. 

It's like people's opinions on whether the Playstation or the XBOX 360 is better. Some people prefer the Playstation and some the XBOX. Some are okay with both of them. So, is one preference better than the other? No.


So if you want to believe in a particular god, then go ahead, it's okay, no one's stopping you, but don't force others to believe in something if they choose to believe in other gods or not to believe in anything at all.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

" Looks Don't Matter to me. "

" Looks don't matter to me. "

This sentence, is one of the biggest lies in the history of mankind.

To those who said this to show your friends that you are not a " judgemental " person and that you only care about the inside....

PLEASE, just for this moment, be brave enough to admit that you still care about how your partner look .. Even if it's not 100%...

No matter how kind you are, how passionate and generous you are or how good you are in something, when a girl/guy first notice you, your looks will be the first impression that you give to someone.

Maybe girls like to see how confident he is, or how he acts in public, but guys, admit it, the first thing that you see before getting to know a girl is how attractive she looks.

So people are like books, your outside is like the cover and your inside is like the contents. So you can't really ditch one for the other. If the design is shitty, no one will buy. If the inside is shitty, people will regret buying you.

Also, looking good boost both YOUR confidence and your partner's confidence. I mean, who doesn't like being noticed walking around with an attractive partner? Or to show to your friends how good looking your boyfriend/girlfriend look?

So.... Looks do matter!

But... WAIT!!!




Before you start thinking of me as a judgemental person who is bias towards attractiveness, I just want to say that looks do matter... BUT not a 100%.

Like I've said, both the outside and inside are important to define the kind of person you are.

So if you're a person who is not really good looking, It's okay, be yourself and NEVER go for plastic surgery. What you can do is to work on the insides more ( Don't worry, you are not books literally, people won't look just from the cover. ).

Be good in something, studies, sports, music, art, anything that is your interest and potential. Also, be kind and considerate towards others, be humble, be helpful. It's okay if your outside is not perfect or not really good, someday, someone will appreciate you for YOU :)

To those who are good looking, you're lucky, because half the battle is already won... YEA...

But still, always be humble. You already got the looks, but you also need the inside to be good. So what if you can attract a lot of people but they will end up finding that your inside are like shit? That's not good...

But if both your outside and inside are awesome, that's double kill!

Just kidding.... HEHE.. ^^

Of course, everyone has flaws, so always try to improve yourself and not be arrogant, even if your outside and inside are awesome...

After reading this you'll be thinking... Do I personally care about looks?

Well for me, as long as you are not so ugly, it's fine. I will look more on your personality and the kind of person you are. So... Average looking, will be okay.






Friday, April 5, 2013

Cross country in Macritchie Reservoir ( Singapore )

I had my annual cross country run in MacRitchie Reservoir yesterday and it was pretty fun. To those people who do not know about MacRitchie Reservoir, it is actually located near Lornie Road so if you want to check that out be my guest.

This is an annual school event and so we have it once a year to promote a healthy and active lifestyle among the students and teachers. It was also meant for us to bond with our friends and teachers.

So the run was 3.2km for the lower secondary pupils and upper secondary girls. Well for me, I had to run 4.8 km now that i'm in Secondary 3.( Yeah... expectations gets higher when you're older... and when you're a guy... )

But here's the catch, you don't really have to run, u can choose to jog, run OR... to just walk. You just have to COMPLETE the distance that you're supposed to cover.

So naturally when my friends and I heard about the distance that we have to cover, we immediately choose to walk throughout the entire cross country. Besides, we spend most of the time in the forest whereby there are a lot of uneven surfaces, mud, slippery rocks and all that kind of stuff so, yeah. We would not take the risk of getting ourselves injured.

No offence to those who chose to run, there were a lot of people who won medals yesterday but for me, the entire thing was not even graded or anything, so just chill out and take it as a casual activity.

But don't get me wrong, just because we walked, doesn't mean that it defeats the whole purpose of the event. We still sweat as we walked non- stop so that was still considered as a physical activity. Also, walking with friends was also an opportunity for us to bond, especially when we share our food among the others during the walk... yeah that's bonding..

To all of my readers out there who haven't been to Macritchie Reservoir before, I really recommend this place for you guys to have a walk, run or recreational activities with your friends and families. The place is pretty clean and their cafĂ© sells really awesome food.

But WARNING : There are a lot of monkeys out there so whatever you do, please do not feed the monkeys unless you want to have a whole lot of monkeys following you then go ahead.


Bullies who bully others because they were " bullied "

Some people may think that bullies who bully others because they have been " bullied " before should be understood and they are just insecure and all that.... Well to me, that's bullshit. 

Because no matter what, bullying will still cause hurt or pain to innocent people and that's just mean and evil. 

So let me write a short story to explain this further... 

Once there was a man who was set up by someone and landed in jail for  5 years. After he went out, he felt insecure about all the people around him and started setting up a lot of people without any reasonable reason and just do it out of pure random.... 

If he is caught and sent to the police station for interrogation, can he say that because he was set up before and therefore he set up others as he's insecure? 

So that's what i'm trying to say, if it's wrong, it's wrong. So that is why, bullying should never have started as it cause a lot of hurt to people and eventually they may turn insecure and started doing the same thing to others. Unfortunately, this is a never ending cycle in our society...

In life, NO ONE will be WILLING to be bullied continuously just because an " insecure " bully is just trying to feel better. They will find a way to stop the bullying, in one way or another and not just let themselves be a victim willingly.

These are just my personal opinions on this if you think differently and want to share your views in the comment section below then go ahead and I will read them once i am notified.


Post holiday tests

So whenever we are back to school from the holidays, no matter how long the break is, we may be given post holiday tests. ( okay well, most of the time.. ) 

I know that post holiday tests are meant for you to revise and not to make you forgot on your chapters and its contents. So, i'm not against this.

But the type of post holiday test that I am talking about are the tests that are testing you on last years' content. In my school, this type of tests are usually maths tests. For some reason it's always Mathematics, i don't know why... 

Seriously, it's really tedious to revise last year's contents again, why don't we just start on the new topics and somehow recall last year's contents overtime? If you have studied hard the previous year, the things you have learnt will be in your long-term memory and you will easily recall them. Well, if you fucked up the previous year well that's your own lost.

To be honest I never studied for this type of post holiday test, I just take the test and see how much I can remember from last year's teachings. So i treat them as more of a " test " rather than a test that i have to prepare. 

Being a spontaneous type of person, i do love surprises and to me if everything in life is predictable, life is boring as shit. So i actually want to see how much i can remember even though i haven't touched my books for like... 2 months. 

But of course, i won't do this for my major exams, that's stupidity rather than " testing " yourself.