Saturday, June 29, 2013

Old retarded belief

In my opinion, the old belief of believing that men had priority over women is just bullshit. I'm a guy, and i'm saying this. 

The old belief that men should be the one supporting the family, continuing the family line, allowed to get an education and that women should just be at home, cooking, doing the house chores, take care of domestic business, is really retarded and to me it doesn't make sense at all. 

Why was it that women were discriminated in the past? Was it because men were assumed to be more capable? Or was it because men have the d*** and women only have that tiny, little, hole? ( I'm not trying to be disgusting right here... ) 

Another thing that I do not understand is why were women considered to be like " water that has been poured away " after they got married? So since young, they were not really well treated because the family assumed that their job was just to continue someone else's family line...

I have seen in some movies that when a girl was about to get married, her family of hers would be very dramatically depressed because she was about to get " poured away ". Like, what the fuck? She has the family blood. She should be a member of that family forever regardless whether she is married or not. 

If i were to explain it biologically, both the men and the women have their own part in making babies. The men's penis, when erected, will enter the women's vagina during sexual intercourse. The penis will ejaculates semen which contains thousand of sperms, containing DNA information of the male, to the vagina. The sperms will swim their way to the egg but only one sperm will be able to fertilise the egg and after that, the fertilised egg will form  a developing baby in the uterus of the female. 

So if you have read the process i explained, you will notice that both the male and the female plays their individual roles in this whole " baby making " process, which allows the family to continue its family line, so why discriminate women? Yeah sure the male is the one who ejaculates sperms but who provide the hole and the egg? That's right, the female. 

Also, if you take a look at the present time, there are lots of successful women, having their own careers. So what does this shows? This shows that women can be as capable as men, and that they don't always have to only take care of domestic shit all the time. 

Fortunately, now, both the male and the female can continue the family line, be educated and work to support the family :) Times have changed for the better. 

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